Basically I want to stream data from memory into a tar/gz format (possibly multiple files into the tar, but it should NEVER TOUCH THE HARDDRIVE, only streaming!), then stream them somewhere else (an HTTP request body in my case).
Anyone know of an existing library that can do this? Is there something in Rails?
libarchive-ruby is only a C wrapper and seems like it would be very platform-dependent (the docs want you to compile as an installation step?!).
require 'zlib'
require 'rubygems/package'
tar = { |writer|
writer.add_file("a_file.txt", 0644) { |f|
(1..1000).each { |i|
f.write("some text\n")
writer.add_file("another_file.txt", 0644) { |f|
f.write("some more text\n")
gz ='this_is_a_tar_gz.tar.gz', 'wb')) # Make sure you use 'wb' for binary write!
That's it! You can swap out the File in the GzipWriter with any IO to keep it streaming. Cookies for dw11wtq!
Based on the solution OP wrote, I wrote fully on-memory tgz archive function what I want to use to POST to web server.
Take a look at the TarWriter class in rubygems: it just operates on an IO stream, which may be a StringIO.
It also provides methods to add directories if you need a directory layout in the tarball.
For reference, you could achieve the gzipping with
, just piping the data in/out of the system process:
The gzipping itself would look something like this: