As I have set maximum file upload limit,I am getting
org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadBase$FileSizeLimitExceededException: The field file exceeds its maximum permitted size of 2097152 bytes
error while uploading file.It is giving 500 error to my api,I should I handle this error and return response in JSON
format not an errorpage as provided in ErrorController
I want to catch that exception and give JSON response not ErrorPage
public ResponseDTO<String> save(@ModelAttribute @Valid FileUploadSingleDTO fileUploadSingleDTO,BindingResult bindingResult)throws MaxUploadSizeExceededException
ResponseDTO<String> result=documentDetailsService.saveDocumentSyn(fileUploadSingleDTO, bindingResult);
return result;
DTO that accepts document as follows
public class FileUploadSingleDTO {
private Integer documentName;
private Integer documentVersion;
private MultipartFile file;
Add a special exception handler into your Controller:
(If this does not work, you have to enable exception handling in your configuration. Normally Spring does this by default.)
As par I know you can handle the multipart file exception by using this.