I have found similar questions being asked, but without answers or where the answer is an alternative solution.
I need to create a breadcrumb trail in both QComboBoxes and QListWidgets (in PySide), and I'm thinking making these items' text bold. However, I have a hard time finding information on how to achieve this.
This is what I have:
# QComboBox
for server in servers:
if optionValue == 'top secret':
optionValue = server
optionValue = '<b>' + server + '</b>'
self.comboBox_servers.addItem( optionValue, 'data to store for this QCombobox item' )
# QListWidgetItem
for folder in folders:
item = QtGui.QListWidgetItem()
if folder == 'top secret':
item.setText( '<b>' + folder + '</b>' )
item.setText( folder )
iconSequenceFilepath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'folder.png' )
item.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(r'' + iconSequenceFilepath + ''))
item.setData( QtCore.Qt.UserRole, 'data to store for this QListWidgetItem' )
self.listWidget_folders.addItem( item )
You could use html/css-likes styles, i.e just wrap your text inside tags:
Another option is setting a font-role:
Maybe you'd have to use QFont.setBold() in your case. However, using html-formating might be more flexible at all.
In the case of a combo-box use setItemData():
Using style-sheet formating will not work for the Item-Text itself, afaik.