I am runing a php script using eclipse. when a set breakpoint and run the script it throws me this error.
form the error it is apparent that i have change something the php.ini file. but i dont know what i have to change to make either zend or xdebug. even i dont know what the differnce b/w them.
following the error
The session could not be started. In order to generate debug information, please make sure that the debugger is properly configured as a php.ini directive
It's impossible to answer this without more information about your specific setup. Xdebug has some set-up documentation here which may get you started.
The reference manual for xdebug's configuration settings (i.e. the lines you would want to put into your php.ini) can be found over here.
Xdebug is a PHP extension, the zend framework is a ...well, a framework. They are completely unrelated. You don't have to change anything in zend-framework's configuration in order to get xdebug up and running. Your problem is just a PHP(.ini) thing.
Additional Note: If your PHP installation is on Windows, this page might help you a lot. (at least it claims to show you "how to configure PHP to get Xdebug running" - I haven't tested it, I don't run Windows)
I ran into this error also, and my issue turned out to be a misconfiguration of Eclipse. In Eclipse, I had configured (in Windows > Preferences) the "PHP Executables", but I had not configured the PHP "Debug" settings. In PHP "Debug", I had to set "PHP Debugger" to XDebug (mine was set to "Zend Debugger"). I also had to set the "PHP Executable" and toggle the "Enable CLI Debug". I wrote a BLOG post about this (with some screen shots).