I'm working on a segmentation algorithme for medical images and during the process it must display the evolving contour on the original image.
I'm working with greyscale JPEG. In order to display the contours I use the drawContours function but I can't manage to draw a color contour. I would like to draw a red contour on the greyscale image but it only appears black or white.
Here is the section of the code:
Mat_<uchar> matrix = imread(path,0);
int row = matrix.rows;
int col = matrix.cols;
Mat_<uchar> maskInter(row,col);
for (int i=0; i<row; i++)
for (int j=0; j<col; j++)
if ((double)matrix(i,j) <0)
vector<vector<Point> > contours;
vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
Mat mat_out = maskInter.clone();
findContours( mat_out, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE , CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
drawContours( img, contours, -1, RGB(255,0,0),1.5,8,hierarchy,2,Point());
moveWindow(title, 100, 100);
imshow(title, img);
Is it possible to display a color contour on a greyscale image?
You need a 3-channel (RGB) image in order to draw and display colors. Your
Mat_<uchar> matrix
is only one channel. You can convert your grayscale image to a color image as follows:If it's really grayscale (1 byte per pixel) than no, you can't. To draw color contours you should convert image to RGB (3 bytes per pixel) using
and after this draw color contour.