I am new to Unity and I am trying to figure out how to move the camera over a map/terrain using touch input. The camera would be looking down at the terrain with a rotation of (90,0,0). The terrain is on layer 8. I have had no problem getting it moving with keyboard, now I am trying to move to touch and it is very different if you want to keep expected usage on iOS.
The best example I can think of on a built in iOS app is Maps where the user would touch the screen and that point on the map would stay under the finger as long as the finger stayed on the screen. So as the user moves their finger the map appears to be moving with the finger. I have not been able to find examples that show how to do it this way. I have seen may examples of moving the camera or character with the mouse but they don't seem to translate well to this style.
Also posted on Unity3D Answers:
Below should be what you need. Note that it's tricky to get a 1 to 1 correspondence between finger/cursor and the terrain when using a "perspective" camera. If you change you camera to orthographic, the script below should give you a perfect map between finger/cursor position and map movement. With "perspective" you'll notice a slight offset.
You could also do this with ray tracing but I've found that route to be sloppy and not as intuitive.
Camera settings for testing (values are pulled from the inspector so apply them there):
I've come up with this script (I have appended it to the camera):
Pavel's answer helped me a lot, so wanted to share my solution with the community in case it helps others. My scenario is a 3D world with an orthographic camera. A top-down style RTS I am working on. I want pan and zoom to work like Google Maps, where the mouse always stays at the same spot on the map when you pan and zoom. This script achieves this for me, and hopefully is robust enough to work for others' needs. I haven't tested it a ton, but I commented the heck out of it for beginners to learn from.