I would like to calculate a density function of a distribution whose characteristics function is known. As a simple example take the normal distribution.
norm.char<-function(t,mu,sigma) exp((0+1i)*t*mu-0.5*sigma^2*t^2)
and then I would like to use R's fft function. but I don't get the multiplicative constants right and I have to reorder the result (take the 2nd half and then the first half of the values). I tried something like
xmax = 5
xmin = -5
deltat = 2*pi/(xmax-xmin)
deltax = (xmax-xmin)/(N-1)
x = xmin + deltax*seq(0,N-1)
t = deltat*seq(0,N-1)
density = Re(fft(norm.char(t*2*pi,mu,sigma)))
density = c(density[(N/2+1):N],density[1:(N/2)])
But this is still not correct. Does anybody know a good reference on the fft in R in the context of density calculations? Obviously the problem is the mixture of the continuous FFT and the discrete one. Can anybody recommend a procedure? Thanks
It is just cumbersome: take a pen and paper, write the integral you want to compute (the Fourier transform of the characteristic function), discretize it, and rewrite the terms so that they look like a discrete Fourier transform (the FFT assumes that the interval starts at zero).
Note that
is an unnormalized transform: there is no1/N