I have a view that is larger than screen, I need to put it in a UIScrollView.
So I first add an UIViewController to story board, then, I add a UIScrollView to the root view of my view controller, then when I add subviews of UIScrollView, but I can't add them outside the scrollview area I can see, how to solve this problem?
Edit 1:
1) put your subview into scrollview's visible area
2) change frame of the new subview as you wish
3) change contentSize property of scrollview with runtime attributes
Edit 2: u can create a new view with xib, which contains all your subviews, and then add this view on scrollview OR u can use storyboard's Container View like this:
p.s.: don't forget about contentSize (point 3 in my first edit), but if you are using auto-layout, you need to set it programmatically like this:
a. get the bigContentView by storyboard Id. ( get the controller and use controller.view)
b. create the outlet to the containerView.
c. update the containerView's frame according your requirement.(update the width and height)
d. bigContentView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
e. containerView addSubView:bigContentView.
Change the simulated size of the view controller to Freeform and then you can set the size to whatever you want. After editing, you may want to set it back.