Is it possible to automate the exportation of a single db using phpMyAdmin?
When I try creating the .sql file from an external script, like php, the resulting .sql file looks clean, but when imported causes problems in the application.
When I use phpMyAdmin to create a similar .sql file by using Export, the resulting .sql file Imports without causing any issues to my application.
The application is moodle 2.2, the MySQL version is 5.5, the phpMyAdmin version is 3.4.10.
If you can't connect directly to the database with mysqldump, you can use this shell script (requires curl):
Then put it in your crontab:
to get a backup at 3:22 every night.
Only tested with phpMyAdmin and might not work in other (major) versions.
Use this script:
other options available.
The best option is to make a script that executes database export with mysqldump and after that a cronjob to execute that script.