I have 5 square ImageButtons that I want to have lined up side by side on the bottom of the screen. I have each one set (different id's) as:
and I have the background assigned in main java like this:
int[] imageIds = new int[] {R.id.box1,R.id.box2,R.id.box3,R.id.box4,R.id.box5};
for(int i = 0; i<5; i++){
imageButtons[i] = (ImageButton) findViewById(imageIds[i]);
What I would like to have it do is scale the width to fit neatly side-by-side at the bottom of the screen (which it does now ok), but have the height automatically scale to match the width as well. is this possible? I don't want to use setImageSource because then it puts a border around the imagebutton.
After checking Google I/O sample application from this year I've found that Google is using dimen values for specifying varios heights or widths based on the screen type. For details you can check the source code from http://code.google.com/p/iosched/.
You can specify the height of the button for exemple in values-xhdpi or values-sw720dp as:
And then you can just use this dimen value when specifying the height:
Look into making a custom ImageButton. I like this because its one class. Here is a button that adjusts its height based on the image aspect ratio. I imagine you can tweak to your needs :
then in xml just use it like this:
Instead of
EDIT1: Try this one:
You can use Google's Percent Relative Layout that helps you to manage view aspect ratio.
You can use it like this
The aspect ratio 100% will make width same as height.
a width 178% of the height. This is the format the layout_aspectRatio expects
You can read it in detail here
I am sure you want to have that 5 buttons of EQUAL width/height. If this is the case then take LinearLayout and put all those 5 buttons with
For example: