I am trying to generate some Boost 1.58 libraries that I need (chrono, regex and thread) for Visual Studio 2012 and link the libraries with CMake. I have real problems for CMake and Visual Studio to find or link the libs, depending on the configuration I set.
I am finally using the following configuration:
bjam.exe --link=static --threading multi --variant=debug stage
But this doesn't seem to generate static libs.
How should I generate the libs and search them with CMake in order for Visual Studio to link them properly?
I finally came up with the solution and I think it is detailed enough to become a generic answer.
Visual Studio searches for dynamic libraries so we need to compile Boost libraries as shared, multithreaded, debug and release, and runtime-link shared. In windows using bjam.exe all commands have the prefix "--" except link, so the right way to build the libraries is:
This will generate the libs and DLLs in the folder Boost/stage/lib, so we need to set an environment variable Boost_LIBRARY_DIR C:/Boost/stage/lib, for example.
There are more options that may come in hand:
The libraries will have a name like this for release:
And for debug:
In order for CMake to link them properly we need to write the following in the CMakeLists.txt:
Building the special stage target places Boost library binaries in the stage\lib\ subdirectory of the Boost tree. More about building Boost on Windows here