I use the following PHP script as index for my website.
This script should include a specific page depending on the browser's language (automatically detected).
This script does not work well with all browsers, so it always includes index_en.php
for any detected language (the cause of the problem is most probably an issue with some Accept-Language header not being considered).
Could you please suggest me a more robust solution?
// Open session var
// views: 1 = first visit; >1 = second visit
// Detect language from user agent browser
function lixlpixel_get_env_var($Var)
function lixlpixel_detect_lang()
// Try to detect Primary language if several languages are accepted.
foreach($GLOBALS['_LANG'] as $K)
if(strpos($_AL, $K)===0)
return $K;
// Try to detect any language if not yet detected.
foreach($GLOBALS['_LANG'] as $K)
if(strpos($_AL, $K)!==false)
return $K;
foreach($GLOBALS['_LANG'] as $K)
//if(preg_match("/[[( ]{$K}[;,_-)]/",$_UA)) // matching other letters (create an error for seo spyder)
return $K;
// Return default language if language is not yet detected.
return $GLOBALS['_DLANG'];
// Define default language.
// Define all available languages.
// WARNING: uncomment all available languages
$GLOBALS['_LANG'] = array(
'af', // afrikaans.
'ar', // arabic.
'bg', // bulgarian.
'ca', // catalan.
'cs', // czech.
'da', // danish.
'de', // german.
'el', // greek.
'en', // english.
'es', // spanish.
'et', // estonian.
'fi', // finnish.
'fr', // french.
'gl', // galician.
'he', // hebrew.
'hi', // hindi.
'hr', // croatian.
'hu', // hungarian.
'id', // indonesian.
'it', // italian.
'ja', // japanese.
'ko', // korean.
'ka', // georgian.
'lt', // lithuanian.
'lv', // latvian.
'ms', // malay.
'nl', // dutch.
'no', // norwegian.
'pl', // polish.
'pt', // portuguese.
'ro', // romanian.
'ru', // russian.
'sk', // slovak.
'sl', // slovenian.
'sq', // albanian.
'sr', // serbian.
'sv', // swedish.
'th', // thai.
'tr', // turkish.
'uk', // ukrainian.
'zh' // chinese.
// Redirect to the correct location.
// Example Implementation aff var lang to name file
echo 'The Language detected is: '.lixlpixel_detect_lang(); // For Demonstration
echo "<br />";
$lang_var = lixlpixel_detect_lang(); //insert lang var system in a new var for conditional statement
echo "<br />";
echo $lang_var; // print var for trace
echo "<br />";
// Insert the right page iacoording with the language in the browser
switch ($lang_var){
case "fr":
//echo "PAGE DE";
include("index_fr.php");//include check session DE
case "it":
//echo "PAGE IT";
case "en":
//echo "PAGE EN";
//echo "PAGE EN - Setting Default";
include("index_en.php");//include EN in all other cases of different lang detection
I think the cleanest way is this!
Accept-Language is a list of weighted values (see q parameter). That means just looking at the first language does not mean it’s also the most preferred; in fact, a q value of 0 means not acceptable at all.
So instead of just looking at the first language, parse the list of accepted languages and available languages and find the best match:
returns an empty array, no match was found and you can fall back on the default language.The official way to handle this is using the PECL HTTP library. Unlike some answers here, this correctly handles the language priorities (q-values), partial language matches and will return the closest match, or when there are no matches it falls back to the first language in your array.
How to use:
Try this one:
why dont you keep it simple and clean
All of the above with fallback to 'en':
...or with default language fallback and known language array:
One Line: