The UPSERT operation either updates or inserts a row in a table, depending if the table already has a row that matches the data:
if table t has a row exists that has key X:
update t set mystuff... where mykey=X
insert into t mystuff...
Since Oracle doesn't have a specific UPSERT statement, what's the best way to do this?
A note regarding the two solutions that suggest:
1) Insert, if exception then update,
2) Update, if sql%rowcount = 0 then insert
The question of whether to insert or update first is also application dependent. Are you expecting more inserts or more updates? The one that is most likely to succeed should go first.
If you pick the wrong one you will get a bunch of unnecessary index reads. Not a huge deal but still something to consider.
An alternative to MERGE (the "old fashioned way"):
"In Oracle9i, an UPSERT can accomplish this task in a single statement:"
The MERGE statement merges data between two tables. Using DUAL allows us to use this command. Note that this is not protected against concurrent access.
I've been using the first code sample for years. Notice notfound rather than count.
The code below is the possibly new and improved code
In the first example the update does an index lookup. It has to, in order to update the right row. Oracle opens an implicit cursor, and we use it to wrap a corresponding insert so we know that the insert will only happen when the key does not exist. But the insert is an independent command and it has to do a second lookup. I don't know the inner workings of the merge command but since the command is a single unit, Oracle could have execute the correct insert or update with a single index lookup.
I think merge is better when you do have some processing to be done that means taking data from some tables and updating a table, possibly inserting or deleting rows. But for the single row case, you may consider the first case since the syntax is more common.