i want to get time and date from internet
i used following code
IdDayTime1.ReadTimeout := 5000;
IdDayTime1.Host := 'www.time.windows.com';
IdDayTime1.Port := 37 ;
Label1.Caption := IdDayTime1.DayTimeStr;
but i get : socket error # 11004
whats is this and what did i do wrong
my internet and other things are ok
Here is some simple code showing the use of the idSNTP components
DayTime protocol is not the NTP protocol. DayTime uses port 13, not 37. 37 is used by the Time protocol, which, again, in not the NTP protocol, which uses 123 (UDP). I do not know if time.windows.com supports the DayTime and Time protocols, the most common used protocols to get time from a reliable time source nowadays is NTP, and its simpler sibling SNTP, which superseded both DayTime and Time protocols.
If you get Time and Date use Indy IdSNTP component and set:
host: time.windows.com
and on event Timer1Timer (TTimer component) write:
you see on form (labe1, label2) Date now AND Time now. So if you set Time synchronized put
in event Timer1Timer.Socket error 11004 means 'bad address". You need to get rid of the www. prefix, the correct affffdress is time.windows.com.
Try using the Indy ntp client components with the ntp pool.org servers. Works for me if you have any trouble I will post some example code.