I want to group a List of Objects containing a time
attribute into 5-Minute intervals, preferably using streams and collectors.
The only possible solution I found on StackOverflow is to calculate how many intervals (sublists) I need, add every object to every one of these Lists and filter out the ones that dont fit into the respective timeframe, which is not exactly a nice solution.
(You can find the Thread here: How to group elements of a List by elements of another in Java 8)
I thought of something similar to this:
List<MyObject> list = new ArrayList<MyObject>();
List<List<MyObject>> grouped = list.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(obj -> obj.getTime() / intervalLength));
This of course doenst work.
I hope that, with Java 8 & its features being used more and more, we can find a suting solution for such a Problem.
Regards, Claas M.
EDIT: In the End, I used @Harsh Poddar's solution and converted the Map into a List of Lists using
for(Map.Entry<Integer, List<MyObject>> entry:map.entrySet())
Note: The List had to be sorted afterwards.
Use a function to map a time to a bucket:
Then collect by bucket number:
Now you have a
Map<Integer, List<Tick>>
where the key is the index of the five-minute bucket starting atbaseTime
, and a list of ticks in that bucket. If you just want a histogram, use a downstream collector:This works totally fine:
This method will give you a map on which you may then call .values() to get the list of lists. First element will contain elements with obj.getTime() from 0 to intervalLength provided there were such elements. The second will contain from intervalLength to intervalLength*2 and so on