I want to use lambda function in order to compute the average by key of a (JavaPairRDD<Integer, Double> pairs
). For that reason, I developed the following code:
java.util.function.Function<Double, Tuple2<Double, Integer>> createAcc = x -> new Tuple2<Double, Integer>(x, 1);
BiFunction<Tuple2<Double, Integer>, Double, Tuple2<Double, Integer>> addAndCount = (Tuple2<Double, Integer> x, Double y) -> { return new Tuple2(x._1()+y, x._2()+1 ); };
BiFunction<Tuple2<Double, Integer>, Tuple2<Double, Integer>, Tuple2<Double, Integer>> combine = (Tuple2<Double, Integer> x, Tuple2<Double, Integer> y) -> { return new Tuple2(x._1()+y._1(), x._2()+y._2() ); };
JavaPairRDD<Integer, Tuple2<Double, Integer>> avgCounts = pairs.combineByKey(createAcc, addAndCount, combine);
However, eclipse diplays this error:
The method combineByKey(Function<Double,C>, Function2<C,Double,C>, Function2<C,C,C>) in the type JavaPairRDD<Integer,Double> is not applicable for the arguments (Function<Double,Tuple2<Double,Integer>>,
BiFunction<Tuple2<Double,Integer>,Double,Tuple2<Double,Integer>>, BiFunction<Tuple2<Double,Integer>,Tuple2<Double,Integer>,Tuple2<Double,Integer>>)
Explanation is in inline comments
The combineByKey method expects
instead ofjava.util.function.BiFunction
. So either you write: