When I run my YII Project on server , I got this error.
CAssetManager.basePath "/var/www/html/v2/assets" is invalid. Please make sure the directory exists and is writable by the Web server process.
104 }
106 /**
107 * Sets the root directory storing published asset files.
108 * @param string $value the root directory storing published asset files
109 * @throws CException if the base path is invalid
110 */
111 public function setBasePath($value)
112 {
113 if(($basePath=realpath($value))!==false && is_dir($basePath) && is_writable($basePath))
114 $this->_basePath=$basePath;
115 else
116 throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CAssetManager.basePath "{path}" is invalid. Please make sure the directory exists and is writable by the Web server process.',
117 array('{path}'=>$value)));
118 }
120 /**
121 * @return string the base url that the published asset files can be accessed.
122 * Note, the ending slashes are stripped off. Defaults to '/AppBaseUrl/assets'.
123 */
124 public function getBaseUrl()
125 {
126 if($this->_baseUrl===null)
127 {
128 $request=Yii::app()->getRequest();
I do Not know ,how to resolve it?Please Explain solution of it?
This is my Project Structure
protected <-- Yii app
assets folder should be writable by your web server process. Usually it is www-data if on apache configured by default. You can either add the user to the folder group with '+w' permission modifications
Alternatively just modify the permissions to 777 as assets folder will only contain your js and css files which will be exposed to the public anyway from your root directory
You will also face the same issue with runtime and data/auth.php(if app is configured for using Yii auth roles), you can do similar suitable modifications there as well
UPDATE:: Additional Settings for PHP < 5.4 is required if safe-mode flags are set ( this was depreciated in 5.4 ) refer to http://php.net/manual/en/ini.sect.safe-mode.php on how to configure safe-mode settings in your php.ini file. Either you can set the flags fully off or exclude the directories in question. ( This step is not needed if you have added www-data(your web-process) to your group as the gid will then match automatically