I am working on Play framewrok 2 with websocket and JsonNode . the front end is connected to the play framework backend by use of websocket. I converted a javascript array into a json node and sent it to the backend by the use of the webscoket connection. Now my problem is how do i convert the json object into a a java array or any suitable structure so that i can manipulate the data.
this is the json object I created
var myjeson = {"x":arrayX,"y":arrayY} ;
this is the array which is populated dynamically
function pixelCount ()
{ arrayX[counter] = xcoordinate;
arrayY[counter] = ycoordinate;
socket.send(" from array X,Y "+arrayX[counter]+ " " +arrayY[counter]);
the code below sends the data
$('button.send').click(function() {
on the server side i have the following code
public static WebSocket<JsonNode> givenIn() {
return new WebSocket<JsonNode>() {
// called when the websocket is established
public void onReady(WebSocket.In<JsonNode> in, WebSocket.Out<JsonNode> out) {
// register a callback for processing instream events
in.onMessage(new Callback<JsonNode>() {
public void invoke(JsonNode event) {
when I check the log the message is delivered : below is the log info [info] application -
Now I will like to place these data in an array so that I can access them. any suggestion will be appreciated.an alternative suggestion is also welcomed.
A quick way to do this using the tree-model... convert the JSON string into a tree of JsonNode's:
Then extract the child nodes and convert them into lists:
A slight longer, but arguable better way to do this is to define a class representing the JSON structure you expect:
Then deserialized directly as follows:
Moving my comment to an answer, as it got upvoted a lot.
This should do what the OP needed:
new ObjectMapper().convertValue(jsonNode, ArrayList.class)
Quick answer for the Tree Model approach mentioned by Stefano in the accepted answer:
The answer is mostly in the Jackson documentation and the tutorial;
you have several ways to transform that JsonNode into useful data.
If you know in advance the structure of the data you can use the Data Binding approach: for "full" binding make a Class corresponding to all fields); For a less structured approach the 'raw' binding let you use generic objects.
Otherwise the Tree Model approach should work for you; the example you will find in the linked page corresponds quite well to your use case.
Please try that example, then if you have more specific issues come back with the exact practical or phylosophical issues!
"... how do I convert the json object into a java array"
The trick is to first get the Iterator object using "elements()" method, then using Guava "stream" method get the stream. Once you have the stream you can do all kinds of array operations(e.g. filter, map) to consume your data.