I have a GLSurfaceView with a drawable as background, however only the background is visible when rendered without surfaceView.setZOrderOnTop(true)
I need to avoid using setZOrderOnTop(true) because there are static TextView's being used on top of the GLSurfaceView.
Any suggestions for getting this to work?
GLSurfaceView cannot really have a background. The way a surface view works is by cutting a hole through your Activity's window and showing another surface behind. Setting setZOrderOnTop(true) moves the surface above the Activity's window.
Well, since GLSurfaceView is just another view, why not use a FrameLayout to place the GLSurfaceView on top of the ImageView (or whatever you're using to display the drawable.)
Try setZOrderMediaOverlay(true); which should put the gl layer above the background but below the window.
false! You can do it. Just an example to show how it works.
Then use framelayout to put a view under glsurfaceview!