How can I place a MFC CFormView inside a CDockablePane which was introduced in the VS 2008 MFC Feature Pack?
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There is a sample of the feature pack that does this.
However, what I do is the following: I made a CDialog-derived class that I put in the DockablePane. Then I make a CFormView-derived class and make an instance of that a member variable of the dockable pane. Every function that I'm interested in (most likely UpdateView() or whatever it's called), I forward to the CDialog-derived class. That way I can sidestep the difficulties of shoehorning the doc/view structure into my application and still get the benefits.
Check the BCGSoft Samples for doing this with a cview. The class names are a little different but its more or less the same stuff since they provided CDockablePane to Microsoft.
Actually there are a few ways of doing this.
If you derive your own CFameWnd class and then put an instance of that class in the CDockable pane you now can put whatever type of framework that you want inside of that CFrameWnd derived class.
The trick is to make sure that you are doing the creation in the correct order. If you try to call it to early then your internal views will never be created.
I couldn't find such samples in MFC Feature Pack samples.
All projects containing CFormView are :
TasksPane TabControl TabbedView StatusBarDemo SetPaneSize MenuSubSet
But in any of the projects, CFormView is not embedded in CDockablePane.
Probably this cab be a clue.
Although it doesn't use CDockablePane, concept behind it is same. I didn't try CDockablePane and CFormView work like the one explained in the page yet, but by taking a glance at it, I feel that things are similar.