is there away?
so something like:
{ key1 : "val1", key2: "val2", some_code: "document.getElementById("someid").innerHTML='test';" }
So some_code would be executed without any user intervention?
is there away?
so something like:
{ key1 : "val1", key2: "val2", some_code: "document.getElementById("someid").innerHTML='test';" }
So some_code would be executed without any user intervention?
This would not be JSON anymore. But you can post-process the parsed JSON:
However this may be dangerous (script injection, etc).
So, if you can, do this instead:
First of all, your example isn't valid JSON. Try it out at JSON validator.
Second of all, JSON is a data exchange standard and when properly parsed, any text that inside of it that is some code will not be executed.
Read on JSON security issues.
Rule of thumb: don't use JavaScript
function, rather use a ready made parser such as Douglas Crockford's JSON evaluator.It is possible to do that, yes, for example by doing this :
However, that would not be valid JSON anymore. JSON does not accept functions.
Well, first you need to escape the double-quotes:
(Or use single-quotes.)
If you want to evaluate the
field as a script, it's as simple as passing it to eval:This is, of course, very hazardous unless you have absolute control over the contents of