I have checked all the questions /answers related to this issue at least at stakoverflow .but without any success ,so far my issue is - I have created a new app - target IOS 7 and I have added my launchimage and my appIcon in the image.xcassets folder . when I launch my app on simulator the launchimae is showing perfectly without any issue but when I run the app on my iphone (iphone 5 , IOS 7.1) a black screen is showing instead of the launchimage any help or suggestions will be appriciated ? cheers,
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Further to the answers above, the inspector actually tells you the size that it considers valid for use, so tweak it in whatever package before importing. I have many tools but for a quick-and-clean approach, good 'ol preview comes to the rescue if you take time to explore the editing tools
The problem is in your image. You could open your image in Preview.app, then show the Inspector (
) and look at More Info tab. Wrong image will show you the following info:and will result a black screen on the device (but will be ok in the Simulator). And the right one shood look like that:
I can't say how to fix wrong images in Photoshop. I found quite an ugly solution:
Save As...
command and replace your wrong image with the new one.