Is it possible to read ID3 tags (Duration, Artist, title...) of an MP3 file without having to download the whole file?
I did a few tests and I was able to get the Artist and title tags with only downloading a few bytes of the MP3 file.. but I'm not sure if it's possible for Duration and other tags..
Depends on if you want to read ID3v1 or ID3v2. ID3v1 is always at the end of the file, so if you are interested in reading that no go. ID3v2 usually occurs at the start of the file, but there's no guarantee for that.
So if you don't want to accidentally miss any tags, you have to read the whole file. The ID3v1 problem can be solved by reading from the end of the file, but that doesn't help with ID3v2.
I just find out that ffmpeg can read ID3 tags of a remote file without having to download the whole file: