I have a tab bar controller, then a navigation controller, then a first view controller. This view controller has a tab bar as expected. However, when I segue from this view I lose the tab bar. I want it to retain its position on the other VC's stemming from this first view. Here is my IB:
I want the tab bar to also appear on the left VC after it is loaded via segue from the right VC,
How is this achieved as currently it disappears regardless of me setting the tab section at the bottom of the VC as shown above.
If you do a modal segue from a view that is a tab bar view, it will get rid of the tab bar for the modal view you are presenting.
Secondly, when you segue you are creating a new instance of the view controller. So I am guessing you are segueing from view1 to view2 and losing the tab bar, then you are segueing back to view1. At this point you have created view1, view2, and a second copy of view1 that does not have a tab bar.
I would suggest one of two things.
1.) If you want to keep the tabs at the bottom when you segue from view1 to view2, then click on view1, at the top of the screen select Editor/Embed In/ Navigation Controller. This will embed your view1 in a navigation controller. Then if you change your segue from Modal to Push it will keep your tab bars at the bottom. The navigation bar at the top also make it easy to go back from view 2 to view 1 the correct way (by popping the view) rather than creating a new segue. If you do not like the navigation bar, then you can change the "Top Bar" property to "None" in the inspector. You will then need to create some other way in view2 to get back to view1. (BY POPPING THE CONTROLLER, NOT BY SEGUEING)
2) If you don't want to set up a navigation controller you will have a little bit harder time keeping the tab bar stuff at the bottom of the view2 controller. In fact, I'm not sure you can do it at all with a modal segue, you'd probably have to write some type of custom segue. Either way, If you want to transition back to view1 and get to the correct controller (not a new version without the tabs) then you need to attach an action to whatever button you are using to segue and use the following code (I also attached the code for navigation controller push segues, in case you create a navigation controller and get rid of the navigation bar.)
For Modal Segue:
For Push segue:
Your best bet is to use the navigation controller method, as you are assured to keep your tabs. You can then either use the navigation bar to return (the easy way, no code needed) or you can get rid of it and use a button and the code above.
Good luck! Please Click On the Green Checkmark if this helps