I'm creating an Excel workbook from scratch. One of the sheets contains a chart, and I want to set the chart title.
Apache POI has a setChartTitle method on HSSFChart, but neither XSSFChart nor the format-agnostic Chart have methods to set the chart title. Since I need to create .xlsx files this is a problem for me.
After much poking around in POI code and OOXML specifications I managed to come up with this code for setting the title on a newly created Chart:
if (chart instanceof XSSFChart) {
XSSFChart xchart = (XSSFChart) chart;
CTChart ctChart = xchart.getCTChart();
CTTitle title = ctChart.addNewTitle();
CTTx tx = title.addNewTx();
CTTextBody rich = tx.addNewRich();
rich.addNewBodyPr(); // body properties must exist, but can be empty
CTTextParagraph para = rich.addNewP();
CTRegularTextRun r = para.addNewR();
r.setT("My chart title");
This seems to work - I can load the resulting file in Excel 2013 and the chart is there with the correct title.
Is there an easier way to do this? What gotchas would I need to look out for when changing a chart title in a workbook created in Excel?