Some users reported that iOS 5 sometimes shows the status bar.
In my Info.plist the UIStatusBarHidden key is YES, and I never mess around with the status bar in code.
What can I do to fix that?
Some users reported that iOS 5 sometimes shows the status bar.
In my Info.plist the UIStatusBarHidden key is YES, and I never mess around with the status bar in code.
What can I do to fix that?
I think the above method is deprecated in iOS5, I would use this one instead:
Are you using 3rd party frameworks that show the status bar?
Found the solution!
I did set property in the plist but was still getting status bar visible after pushing a view controller into the navigation stack or opening UIImagePickerController: (I use Xcode 4.2 (SDK 5.0) and iOS 5.0.1).
Here it is (put the code in every View Controller you don't need status bar to be visible):
Set self.wantsFullScreenLayout = YES; in
Then it works in case of pushing controllers through navigation stack as well as using UIImagePickerController (both taken picture or cancelled).
Hope this helps.
xcode 4.5
gives you an check Option to hide status bar on summary pagethe entry in the Info.plist should be enough to hide it, but you can try doing it programmatically with:
when your app starts up.