I am having trouble understanding / using name spaces with XML::LibXML package in Perl. I can access an element successfully but not an attribute. I have the following code which accesses an XML file (http://pastebin.com/f3fb9d1d0).
my $tree = $parser->parse_file($file); # parses the file contents into the new libXML object.
my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new($tree);
$xpc->registerNs(microplateML => 'http://moleculardevices.com/microplateML');
I then try and access an element called common-name and an attribute called name.
foreach my $camelid ($xpc->findnodes('//microplateML:species')) {
my $latin_name = $camelid->findvalue('@name');
my $common_name = $camelid->findvalue('common-name');
print "$latin_name, $common_name" ;
But only the latin-name (@name
) is printing out, the common-name is not. What am I doing wrong and how can I get the common-name to print out as well?
What does the @name do in this case? I presume it is an array, and that attributes should be put into an array as there can be more than one, but elements (like common-name) should not be because there should just be one?
I've been following the examples here: http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/11/14/xml-libxml.html and here: http://perl-xml.sourceforge.net/faq/#namespaces_xpath, and trying to get their example camel script working with my namespace, hence the weird namespace.
Make sure you XML file is valid then use
to access attributes.@name is a attribute name. You'd use it in findnodes() to specify elements with a given attribute set. Eg. a path like:
//camelids/species[@name="Camelus bactrianus"]/
Here is a simple/contrived example:
Output is: