Need to create a multi module maven project which consist of a registration module and main project. The problem is that it's impossible to use classes declared in different modules.
e.g.: I have a ParentClaz
in my parent's src/main/java dir and ChildClaz
in child's src/main/java dir. Right now it's not possible to use neither ParentClaz
in ChildClaz
nor vice versa.
The project's structure looks like this:
+-- AdminPortal <- parent root
+-- registration <- child root
-- pom.xml <- child pom
-- pom.xml <- parent pom
my AdminPortal POM:
Here's child POM:
How can this problem be solved?
Child can use parent dependencies, try to add this to parent
and make this class in child
and you will see that it compiles.
Your parent pom has packaging type
, this is notjar
. This is special aggregator module. All java code should be located injar
modules.Module with packaging type
cant generate artifacts like jar, war or ear.Maven by Example - The Simple Parent Project
To use Classes from one module in other module use maven dependency.
Typical project looks like this: