Constructors in JavaScript objects

2018-12-31 09:30发布

Can JavaScript classes/objects have constructors? How are they created?

2楼-- · 2018-12-31 10:09

I found this tutorial very useful. This approach is used by most of jQuery plug-ins.

var Class = function(methods) {   
    var klass = function() {    
        this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);          

    for (var property in methods) { 
       klass.prototype[property] = methods[property];

    if (!klass.prototype.initialize) klass.prototype.initialize = function(){};      

    return klass;    

Now ,

var Person = Class({ 
    initialize: function(name, age) { = name;
        this.age  = age;
    toString: function() {
        return "My name is "" and I am "+this.age+" years old.";

var alice = new Person('Alice', 26);
alert(; //displays "Alice"
alert(alice.age); //displays "26"
alert(alice.toString()); //displays "My name is Alice and I am 26 years old" in most browsers.
//IE 8 and below display the Object's toString() instead! "[Object object]"
3楼-- · 2018-12-31 10:12

Example here:

Try this template:

// Register Namespace
var Name = Name||{};
Name.Space = Name.Space||{};

// Constructor - MUST BE AT TOP OF FILE
Name.Space.ClassName = function Name_Space_ClassName(){}

// Member Functions & Variables
Name.Space.ClassName.prototype = {
  v1: null
 ,v2: null
 ,f1: function Name_Space_ClassName_f1(){}

// Static Variables
Name.Space.ClassName.staticVar = 0;

// Static Functions
Name.Space.ClassName.staticFunc = function Name_Space_ClassName_staticFunc(){

You must adjust your namespace if you are defining a static class:

// Register Namespace
var Shape = Shape||{};
Shape.Rectangle = Shape.Rectangle||{};
// In previous example, Rectangle was defined in the constructor.

Example class:

// Register Namespace
var Shape = Shape||{};

// Constructor - MUST BE AT TOP OF FILE
Shape.Rectangle = function Shape_Rectangle(width, height, color){
    this.Width = width;
    this.Height = height;
    this.Color = color;

// Member Functions & Variables
Shape.Rectangle.prototype = {
  Width: null
 ,Height: null
 ,Color: null
 ,Draw: function Shape_Rectangle_Draw(canvasId, x, y){
    var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId);
    var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
    context.fillStyle = this.Color;
    context.fillRect(x, y, this.Width, this.Height);

// Static Variables
Shape.Rectangle.Sides = 4;

// Static Functions
Shape.Rectangle.CreateSmallBlue = function Shape_Rectangle_CreateSmallBlue(){
    return new Shape.Rectangle(5,8,'#0000ff');
Shape.Rectangle.CreateBigRed = function Shape_Rectangle_CreateBigRed(){
    return new Shape.Rectangle(50,25,'#ff0000');

Example instantiation:

<canvas id="painting" width="500" height="500"></canvas>
alert("A rectangle has "+Shape.Rectangle.Sides+" sides.");

var r1 = new Shape.Rectangle(16, 12, "#aa22cc");
r1.Draw("painting",0, 20);

var r2 = Shape.Rectangle.CreateSmallBlue();
r2.Draw("painting", 0, 0);

Shape.Rectangle.CreateBigRed().Draw("painting", 10, 0);

Notice functions are defined as A.B = function A_B(). This is to make your script easier to debug. Open Chrome's Inspect Element panel, run this script, and expand the debug backtrace:

// Register Namespace
var Fail = Fail||{};

// Static Functions
Fail.Test = function Fail_Test(){

4楼-- · 2018-12-31 10:12

This is a constructor:

function MyClass() {}

When you do

var myObj = new MyClass();

MyClass is executed, and a new object is returned of that class.

5楼-- · 2018-12-31 10:12

Here we need to notice one point in java script, it is a class-less language however,we can achieve it by using functions in java script. The most common way to achieve this we need to create a function in java script and use new keyword to create an object and use this keyword to define property and methods.Below is the example.

// Function constructor

   var calculator=function(num1 ,num2){"This is function constructor";
      return num1*num2


var objCal=new calculator(10,10);// This is a constructor in java script
alert(objCal.mulFunc());// method call
alert(;// property call

//Constructors With Prototypes

var calculator=function(){"Constructors With Prototypes";

calculator.prototype.mulFunc=function(num1 ,num2){
 return num1*num2;
var objCal=new calculator();// This is a constructor in java script
alert(objCal.mulFunc(10,10));// method call
alert(; // property call
6楼-- · 2018-12-31 10:13

Maybe it's gotten a little simpler, but below is what I've come up with now in 2017:

class obj {
  constructor(in_shape, in_color){
    this.shape = in_shape;
    this.color = in_color;

    return this.shape + ' and ' + this.color;
    this.shape = in_shape;
    this.color = in_color;

In using the class above, I have the following:

var newobj = new obj('square', 'blue');

//Here, we expect to see 'square and blue'


//Since we've set new color and shape, we expect the following: 'sphere and white'

As you can see, the constructor takes in two parameters, and we set the object's properties. We also alter the object's color and shape by using the setter functions, and prove that its change remained upon calling getInfo() after these changes.

A bit late, but I hope this helps. I've tested this with a mocha unit-testing, and it's working well.

7楼-- · 2018-12-31 10:15

This pattern has served me well. With this pattern, you create classes in separate files, load them into your overall app "as needed".

// Namespace
// (Creating new if not instantiated yet, otherwise, use existing and just add to it)
var myApp = myApp || {};

// "Package" 
// Similar to how you would establish a package in other languages
(function() {

// "Class"
var MyClass = function(params) {

    // "Private Static" vars 
    //    - Only accessible to functions in this class.
    //    - Doesn't get wiped out when we create a new instance.
    var countInstances = 0;
    var allInstances = [];

    // "Private Static" functions 
    //    - Same as above, but it's a function accessible 
    //      only to other functions in this class.
    function doSomething(){

    // "Public Static" vars
    //    - Everyone has access.
    //    - Doesn't get wiped out when we create a new instance.
    MyClass.counter = 0;

    // "Public Static" functions
    //    - Same as above, but anyone can call this "static method".
    //    - Kinda like a singleton class situation.
    MyClass.foobar = function(){

    // Public properties and methods are built into the "prototype"
    //    - This is how each instance can become unique unto itself.
    //    - Establishing "p" as "local" (Static Private) variable 
    //      simply so we don't have to keep typing "MyClass.prototype" 
    //      for each property and function.
var p = MyClass.prototype;

    // "Public" vars = null;
    p.firstname = null;
    p.lastname = null;

    // "Private" vars
    //    - Only used by "this" instance.
    //    - There isn't "true" privacy for each 
    //      instance so we have to fake it. 
    //    - By tradition, we indicate "privacy"  
    //      by prefixing it with an underscore. 
    //    - So technically, anyone can access, but we simply 
    //      don't tell anyone about it (e.g. in your API)
    //      so no one knows about it :)
    p._foo = null;

    p.initialize = function(params){ = MyClass.counter++;
        this.firstname = params.firstname;
        this.lastname = params.lastname;

    p.doAlert = function(theMessage){
        alert(this.firstname + " " + this.lastname + " said: " + theMessage + ". My id:" + + ".  Total People:" + countInstances + ". First Person:" + allInstances[0].firstname + " " + allInstances[0].lastname);

// Assign class to app
myApp.MyClass = MyClass;

// Close the "Package"

// Usage example:
var bob = new myApp.MyClass({   firstname   :   "bob",
                                lastname    :   "er"

bob.doAlert("hello there");
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