Say you have a table:
With fields:
And you call:
INSERT INTO `item` (
) SELECT uuid(), `item`.`order`+1
MySql will insert the same uuid into all of the newly created rows.
So if you start with:
aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa, 0
bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb, 1
You'll end up with:
aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa, 0
bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb, 1
cccccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc, 1
cccccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc, 2
How do I command MySql to create a different uuid for each row?
I know that the following works as expected in MSSQL:
) SELECT newid(), [order]+1
n.b. I know I could SELECT the results, loop through them and issue a separate INSERT command for each row from my PHP code but I don't want to do that. I want the work to be done on the database server where it's supposed to be done.
MySQL won't allow expressions as a default value. You can work around this by allowing the field to be null. Then add insert/update triggers which, when null, set the field to uuid().
Turns out uuid() is generating a different uuid per row.
But instead of generating all the chunks randomly, as I would normally expect, MySql appears to only be generating the 2nd chunk randomly. Presumably to be more efficient.
So at a glance the uuids appear identical when in fact MySql has altered the 2nd chunk. e.g.
I assume if there is a collision it would try again.
My bad.
MySQL's UUID() function generates V1 UUIDs, which are split into time, sequence and node fields. If you call it on a single node, only a few bits in the time field will be different; this is referred to as temporal uniqueness. If you call it on different nodes at the exact same time, the node fields will be different; this is referred to as spatial uniqueness. Combining the two is very powerful and gives a guarantee of universal uniqueness, but it also leaks information about the when and where each V1 UUID was created, which can be a security issue. Oops.
V4 UUIDs are generally more popular now because they hash that data (and more) together and thus don't leak anything, but you'll need a different function to get them--and beware what they'll do to performance if you have high INSERT volume; MySQL (at least for now) isn't very good at indexing (pseudo)random values, which is why V1 is what they give you.
First generate an uniq string using the php uniqid() function and insert to the ID field.
Please try with
instead of uuid().