is there anything wrong with using html inside a class function? I call it in the DOM so I don't need a string returned.
public function the_contact_table(){
some html here
Also when I do need the string I use this method? Is there a better way or is this relatively standard?
public function get_single(){
<div class='staff-member single'>
<div class='col left'>
<div class='thumbnail'>
<?php $this->the_contact_table(); ?>
<div class='col right'>
$content = ob_get_contents();
return $content;
I should have explained why i am doing this. I'm making a Wordpress plugin and want to control a post types output. So I am using a filter like below
public function filter_single($content){
global $post;
if ($post->post_type == 'staff-member') {
$sm = new JM_Staff_Member($post);
$content = $sm->get_single();
return $content;
So as you can see, I must return a string to the wordpress core
It's not a good practice in regard to the fact that you alienate front-end developers by placing what are actually "Views" inside of PHP class files. This was one of my biggest issues when I first started using PHP in general, is that I wanted to dynamically create content within classes. It's a great idea, but you want to do it in a way that allows many members of your team to work together as smoothly as possible ;].
You should probably have the content inside of a separate file called "staff-member-single.php", which you then call in your function
You'd refactor that into a reusable method typically though, so it'd look a little bit like..
I think it is good practice to use PHP only for logic of application and transmission some data to view layer (template engine). In accordance with this there are some patterns like MVC.
You should be using HEREDOC instead of output buffering if you want to store a long string into a variable. It looks like this:
can be anything, but note two important things:If you are using PHP >= 5.3, then you should use NOWDOC, which does not parse for variable inside the doc (unless you need this). The only different with the syntax of NOWDOC is that the sentinel is enclosed in quotes:
The reason why I'd stray away from output buffering is that it prevents the server from chunking the data sent to the client. This means that requests will seem slower because instead of the content being progressively sent to the client and displayed, it is forced to be sent all at once. Output buffering is a hack for situations when functions carelessly
data instead of returning it or a tool for certain applications with the specific need for it. I'd also imagine that you'd take a hit on execution time if you used output buffering (because it involves function calls) versus HEREDOCing the string into a variable or including a view.Now to answer the question about whether it is appropriate, I would say that in an MVC application all HTML and other content should be contained within its own view. Then a controller can call a view to display itself and doesn't have to worry about knowing the code involved in displaying the view. You can still pass information (like titles, authors, arrays of tags, etc.) to views, but the goal here is separating the content from the logic.
That said, Wordpress templates and code looks pretty sloppy to begin with and loosely if not at all implements MVC so if it's too much work to create a view for this, I'd say the sloppiness would fit in with WP's style.