i am new with MVC, can someone please help me and explain how to call controller method from a view.
I have HomeController and inside it I have method ShowFileContent().
public ActionResult ShowFileContent()
string filepath = Server.MapPath("\\Files\\Columns.txt");
var lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filepath);
foreach (var line in lines)
ViewBag.FileContent += line + "\n";
catch (Exception exc)
ViewBag.FileContent = "File not found";
return View();
Inside view I've tried to call this method with code bellow but it does not work.
@using (Html.BeginForm("ShowFileContent", "Home"))
<input type="submit" value="Show File" style='width:300px'/>
<h2>@Html.Raw(ViewBag.FileContent.Replace("\n", "</br>"))</h2>
I get error: The view 'ShowFileContent' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations.
What i am doing wrong and whats the best way to call methods from razor view ?
It sounds to me like its breaking on your
If you dont tell it where to go it thinks the view is called the same as your action.
so instead try
You can use inbuilt Action method to call action from View.