I am currently developing an application with Jersey JAX-RS as backend and AngularJS as frontend ; I need a sort of authentication, and so with every request I send a token that should be verify by the backend. For this, I decided to create a Jersey filter that will look for that token, and then call my AuthenticateService to check if the user can be authenticated.
Authorization is then managed by @RolesAllowed
Here is my problem : I can't inject an EJB inside a Jersey filter, strangly because it works great with resources.. But with a filter, the service always stays null
Any idea how to trick it ? Thanks
Filter code :
@Priority( Priorities.AUTHORIZATION )
public class AuthenticationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
@EJB( name=AuthenticationService.LOOKUP_NAME)
private AuthenticationService authService;
public void filter( ContainerRequestContext requestContext ) throws IOException {
* Get headers parameters
String userIdStr = requestContext.getHeaderString( SecurityConsts.HEADER_ID_PARAMETER );
int userId = 0;
if( userIdStr != null && !userIdStr.isEmpty() ) {
userId = Integer.parseInt( userIdStr );
String securityToken = requestContext.getHeaderString( SecurityConsts.HEADER_TOKEN );
User user = null;
* If a token is present, try to authenticate the user
if( securityToken != null && !securityToken.isEmpty() ) {
// NullPointerException happens here
user = authService.authenticateWithToken( userId, securityToken );
* Set correct security context
requestContext.setSecurityContext( new ConfiguratorSecurityContext( user ) );
This is a more or less know problem.
But there are some options to solve this.
You can try switching to CDI, e.g. turning your service into a
and using@Inject
.You can try to get your service via context lookup, something like this:
You can also try to annotate your filter with
so it gets managed by the container.You can find related JIRAs here and here.
See also: