Tried both programmatically and manually modify the registry for both DisableCharmsHint and DisableTLcorner to 1 under EdgeUI of immersiveShell (to disable touch screen swipe edges), after restart nothing happens.
Just want to disable the swipe from edges to prevent user from accessing other application but just my application as currently opened, and will later enable the swipe edges again once my application is closed (back to normal).
the application running is a windows form (not WPF) c# app coming from the desktop and run in the windows 10 tablet.
is there any other way to prevent user from swiping the edges and from opening the windows respective to each edge from edge swipe
Take a look at the PKEY_EdgeGesture_DisableTouchWhenFullscreen function that was introduced with Windows 8.1.
I just created a small test and it appears to works on Windows 10 (build 10586) as well. Keep in mind that this only works for single-window solutions where the Window is running full screen. It works with both WPF and WinForms application. You need to pass a HWND of the window to the function.
You can find an example in this other question.
I know this thread is old, but couldn't find concise and clear solution anywhere. Had the same issue with our kiosk application (WIN7 PC's automatically updated to WIN 10). Tried everything from registry/group policy changes, to dirty windows shell hacks - nothing worked. So thanks to link Koen_R provided managed to get it working (code below is Ron Schuler's answer converted from VB to c#).
Add that to your namespace and just call it when Form is Shown (winforms) or Window has loaded (WPF).
And that's it - edge swipes will stop working for as long as application is running and windows is active. Once you close it - swipes will be working again.