What are some popular spam prevention methods besides CAPTCHA?
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I know some people mentioned ASIRRA, but if you go to all the adopt me links for the images, it will say on that linked page if its a cat or dog. So it should be relatively easy for a bot to just go to all the adoptme links. So its just a matter of time for that project.
I've seen a few neat ideas along the lines of Asira which ask you to identify which pictures are cats. I believe the idea originated from KittenAuth a while ago..
just verify the email address and let google/yahoo etc worry about it
http://chongqed.org/ maintains blacklists of active spam sources and the URLs being advertised in the spams. I have found filtering posts for the latter to be very effective in forums.
A popular method on forums is to simply queue the threads of members with less than 10 posts in a moderation queue. Of course, this doesn't help if you don't have moderators, or it's not a forum. A more general method is the calculation of hyperlink to text ratios. Often, spam posts contain a ton of hyperlinks, and you can catch a lot this way. In the same vein is comparing the content of consecutive posts. Simply do not allow consecutive posts that are extremely similar.
Of course, anyone with knowledge of the measures you take is going to be able to get around them. To be honest, there is little you can do if you are the target of a specific attack. Rather, you should focus on preventing more general, unskilled attacks.
You could get some device ID software the41 has some fraud prevention software that can detect the hardware being used to access your site. I belive they use it to catch fraudsters but could be used to stop bots. Once you have identified an device being used by a bot you can just block that device. Last time a checked it can even trace your route throught he phone network ( Not your Geo-IP !! ) so can even block a post code if you want.
Its expensive through so prop. a better cheaper solution that is a little less big brother.