fingerprint reader or thumb reader

2019-04-07 07:10发布

I am wanting to develop an Automatic Attendance System using a thumb reader. When the user enters the office campus, they must put their thumb on to a thumb reader and is then marked as present.

Can anyone suggest a thumb reader that supports API for reading and comparing thumb-print images, so that I can easily integrate it with my attendance system.

I would prefer it if the device supports a Java API.

I have Google'd this a lot, but could not find any good answers.

I came across a Microsoft thumb reader,but i dint get enough information on it. Does anyone can provide me offical site of Microsoft thumb reader. Any online stiulator?

2楼-- · 2019-04-07 08:00

I work in company developing such systems. We've successfully used devices by Futronic, both USB (FS80) and ethernet (FS84). The latter provide means for comparison, but AFAIk they aren't very good.

We've used matching algorithms by Sonda Technologies, they are very robust and have good performance. They provide JNI-style java API.

We've also used ethernet sensors by this company, it has better capabilities for indication (LED or text LCD display, and sound) and operating external devices.

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