I have a problem implementing a cross domain custom build in Dojo.
The situation is as follows: i have a pretty large application, with a good number of localisation bundles, so basicly the directory structures is like
core\ (my module)
When building my module the result is a big core.js/core.xd.js file, which, bien sur, does not contain the localisations. In the localisation nls directories (en/fr/etc) i find after the build each bundle builded/minified, and a bigger file for each language, core_fr.js/core_en.fs, which contains only Dojo/Dijit related strings.
so my build script is
layers: [
resourceName: "core",
name: "../core/trusted.js",
dependencies: [
prefixes: [
["core", "../core"]
In the core.controller.Fusebox class i try to load 1 nls
dojo["requireLocalization"]("core", "FuseboxContent");
here it will die, however with
availableFlatLocales is undefined
[Break on this error] var locales = availableFlatLocales.split(",");\r\n
My config in the html file is :
// version build
var djConfig = {
baseUrl: 'https://..../',
modulePaths: { 'core': 'core'},
useXDomain: true,
xdWaitSeconds: 10,
parseOnLoad: true,
afterOnLoad: true,
// debugAtAllCosts: true,
isDebug: true,
locale: "fr"
and then
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://xd.woopic.com/dojoroot/1.3.2-xd/dojo/dojo.xd.js.uncompressed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://..../core/trusted.js.uncompressed.js"></script>
I used the uncompressed for debug, of course. The problem is that, on runtime, Dojo tries to load my bundles and can not find them, and i would like to embed them in my layer file, so no extra loads will be required. Can this be achieved? And while we're at it, are there any working sites/examples with cross domain localisations? UPDATE: i continued my analysis and the problem seems to lay in the fact that i am dynamicaly loading nls, so the build parser can not find the requireLocalization() calls. Therefore the project nls file contains only dojo/dijit related content. However, i added a few bundle loads in a dummy file, and the content of core/nls is still ignored by the builder.
Thanks for any info, i am pretty much at the end of my searches, there isn't much on the net on this subject.
I had a similar issue a few days ago. First of all, you can get around the error by setting the available locales as the 4th parameter of the requireLocalization call.
though you should not have to do that.
Did you try including the localization as follows?