I've try to add simple text on top of video with FFmpeg using drawtext parameter. Every time i'm going to do this, error is returned:
Could not load fontface from file 'arial.ttf': cannot open resource
To indicate the location of the font I used the following methods:
ffmpeg -i C:\Test\rec\vid_1321909320.avi -vf drawtext=fontfile=arial.ttf:text=test -sameq vid_1321909320.flv
ffmpeg -i C:\Test\rec\vid_1321909320.avi -vf drawtext=fontfile=C:\Windows\Fonts\arial.ttf:text=test -sameq vid_1321909320.flv
All have failed. Does anyone have experience with adding text using ffmpeg?
FFMPEG version: N-34549-g13b7781 build on Nov 6 2011
Try putting quotes on the parameter:
You cannot have a colon in the path to your font file as the colon acts as a key sepperator in ffmpeg. I had the same problem.
I was also having trouble with ffmpeg recognizing Windows paths. I finally just put the font Arial.ttf in the same folder as the input file and it worked.
A colon ":" and a backslash "\" have special meaning when specifying the parameters for drawtext. So what you can do is to escape them by converting ":" to "\:" and "\" to "\\". Also you can enclose the path to your font file in single quotes incase the path contains spaces.
So you will have