i am looking to get the data from any given domain names SSL certificate. For example I want to put in any website address e.g. "http://stackoverflow.com" and my code would firstly check if an SSL certificate exists. If it does then I want it to pull out the expiry date of the certificate. [ i am reading Domainnames from DB ] Example :http://www.digicert.com/help/
i need to create a web service to check expiry date. how can i implement it?? - I have looked up loads of different things such as RequestCertificateValidationCallback and ClientCertificates etc. Since i am new to this, i am not sure what has to be done.
I could be completely wrong (hence why I need help) but would I create a HTTPWebRequest and then somehow request the client certificate and specific elements that way?
i tried the example provided @SSL certificate pre-fetch .NET , but i am getting forbitten 403 error.
Any help would be much appreciated - Thank you.
This is the code i have written which is throwing 403 forbidden error.
Uri u = new Uri("http://services.efi.com/");
ServicePoint sp = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(u);
string groupName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
HttpWebRequest req = HttpWebRequest.Create(u) as HttpWebRequest;
req.Accept = "*/*";
req.ConnectionGroupName = groupName;
using (WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse())
// Ignore response, and close the response.
// Implement favourite null check pattern here on sp.Certificate
string expiryDate = sp.Certificate.GetExpirationDateString();
string str = expiryDate;
This works fine:
If you need to download the certificate:
.cs Sample File :https://gist.github.com/thedom85/6db200104c075310527aaef63b172253
I also recommend this site : https://www.simple-talk.com/dotnet/.net-framework/tlsssl-and-.net-framework-4.0/
You are getting a "403 forbidden" status because that's what the server returns when you access that page. I see the same thing when I browse to that Uri using IE. This status indicates that you don't have permission to access the Url, so perhaps you should try your code on a page that you have access to.
Also, you're unlikely to see a certificate on a
connection - you might want to tryhttps