I am trying to create a multi-dimensional NetCDF file using the R package ncdf. I am working with climatic daily observations for a set of 1500 points, the number of observations is ~ 18250 for each point. The problem is that the structure of the NetCDF file (create.ncdf) occupies 4Gb and each point makes the size of the file increase by more than 3 Gb (put.var.ncdf)
This is the code I am using:
# Make a few dimensions we can use
dimX <- dim.def.ncdf( "Long", "degrees", Longvector )
dimY <- dim.def.ncdf( "LAT", "degrees", Latvector )
dimT <- dim.def.ncdf( "Time", "days", 1:18250, unlim=FALSE )
# Make varables of various dimensionality, for illustration purposes
mv <- -9999 # missing value to use
var1d <- var.def.ncdf( "var1d", "units", dimX, mv,prec="double" )
var2d <- var.def.ncdf( "var2d", "units", list(dimX,dimY), mv,prec="double" )
var3d <- var.def.ncdf( "var3d", "units", list(dimX,dimY,dimT), mv,prec="double" )
# Create the test file
nc <- create.ncdf( "writevals.nc", list(var1d,var2d,var3d) )
# !!Creates a nc file with + 4 Gb
# Adding the complete time series for one point (the first point in the list of the dataset)
put.var.ncdf( nc, var3d,dataset[[1]], start=c(Longvector[1],Latvector[1],1), count=c(1,1,-1))
Longvector and Latvector are vectors taken from the matrix with the Long and Lat for each point. The dataset is a list format and for each point I have a list of numeric values.
Am I missing something or should I try other packages??
Here's an updated version of mdsumner's answer which works with the NetCDF4 package for R (ncdf4).
There are some errors in your non-reproducible code, and by my reckoning the file is 219Mb (1500 * 18250 * 8 bytes).
Provide the vectors for the first two dims and the dataset to match at least one slice
Count is the index of the dimension, not the axis position value, so we correct
to 1, and use the count (length) of the 3rd dimension (not -1).Interrogate the file size.