I wonder if there is a way to get the timezone of the user in php and then display a time based on viewer's timezone. I know it can be done in javascript but i want a solution in php. I searched a lot but can't find a way to get this work.
So basically suppose the time is 8:30 GMT+0530. Its in indian timezone i want if a user views this in Ne York then it should be 21:30 .
You must get the user information and set the default timezone
Look date_default_timezone_set()
And ip geolocation api
If you added the users Timezone while registering or you know users Timezone somehow, then you can try this...
You can also user Timezone in JavaScrpt Getting the client's timezone in JavaScript. Make an Ajax request and Save in PHP Session or database.
You can get the users timezone by crossing their IP with many available geolocation databases, such as IPInfoDB
you will need to register for a free API key, but they also provide you with a working example(above)