I'm using Angular2 with Semantic UI as a css library. I have this piece of code:
<div class="ui three stakable cards">
<a class="ui card"> ... </a>
<a class="ui card"> ... </a>
<a class="ui card"> ... </a>
the cards are rendered nicely with a space between and such. like this: refer to cards section in the link
since the cards represent some kind of view I thought of making a component out of it, so now the code is:
<div class="ui three stakable cards">
but now the style is broken, there is no space between them anymore.
Is there any nice way of fixing this ?
the first thing I thought of doing is this:
my-card-component OLD template:
<a class="ui card">
[some junk]
my-card-component NEW template:
[some junk]
and instantiating like:
<my-card-component class="ui card"></my-card-component>
or like:
<a href="?" my-card-component></a>
but this is not satisfactory since I want to be able to pass in an object and the component would automatically set the [href]=obj.link
in AngularJS 1.0 there was a replace: true
property which does excatly what i need, is there a similar thing in Angular2 ?
Solved it using @GünterZöchbauer Answer together with
so now the code is:that way the href is automatically bound to
and I can rest in piece.There is no
in Angular2. It is considered a bad solution and deprecated in Angular 1.x as well.See also Why is replace deprecated in AngularJS?
Use an attribute-selector instead of a tag-selector in your component or directive.
Just change
and use it like
You might also adjust the encapsulation strategy http://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2015/06/29/shadow-dom-strategies-in-angular2.html but I think the default
should be fine in your case.