What regex can I use to match any valid IP-address represented in dot-decimal notation?
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CPAN is your friend: Regex::Common or Net::IP::Match::Regexp.
Not sure why I don't see this one around anywhere, it's short, concise, and awesome.
For IPv4 in an A.B.C.D (decimal) format, as a one-liner:
If nothing follows the address on the line, it can be contracted to:
Have fun.
I like this one ... pretty much as Steve Hajducko's but using quoted reg ex which rooooock!
I went for an interview at Arm in Cambridge, UK. They asked me to write one on the board and I wrote some lame one .. and later ... brooding on my poor attempt set out to make a better one. Driven by failure? Or maybe just really irritated by it. I still got the job :)