I cant`t find transfer funds link in google admob, my balance more than 50 $ and my payment information fully filled, but i can not transfer funds. Help please. Where can I find it?
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AdMob used to let you transfer your earnings back into your ad spend bucket, and they'd give you a 20% bonus for doing so. It looks like this is yet another nice feature that's been removed since AdMob was acquired by Google.
I've been using MoPub for ad mediation between Millennial Media, iAd, JumpTap, and many other networks (including AdMob). It's pretty nice. MoPub even has its own RTB ad marketplace.
The funny thing is that MoPub was created by former AdMob employees years ago, long before the "Don't Be Evil" empire bought AdMob.
You want to transfer to your account/paypal? if this is the case admob will only transfer funds > 100$ on the next month. No button/link is needed.