if (a) b else c is what you can use instead of the Java expression a ? b : c.
In Kotlin, many control statements including if, when or even try can be used as expressions. This means that those can have a result which can be assigned to a variable, returned from a function etc.
Syntactically, no need for ternary operator
As a result, Kotlin does not need the ternary operator.
if (a) b else c is what you can use instead of the Java expression a ? b : c.
I think the idea is that the latter is less readable since everybody knows what ifelse does, whereas ? : is rather inconvenient if you're not familar with the syntax already. Although I have to admit that I often miss the more convenient ternary operator.
Other Alternatives
You might also see a lot when constructs whenever conditions are checked in Kotlin. It's also a way to express if-else cascades in an alternative way. The following corresponds to your example.
In Kotlin, if is an expression, i.e. it returns a value. Therefore
there is no ternary operator (condition ? then : else), because
ordinary if works fine in this role. manual source from here
// Traditional usage
var max = a
if (a < b) max = b
// With else
var max: Int
if (a > b) {
max = a
} else {
max = b
// As expression
val max = if (a > b) a else b
There is no ternary operation in Kotlin, but there are some fun ways to work around that. As others have pointed out, a direct translation into Kotlin would look like this:
val x = if (condition) result1 else result2
But, personally, I think that can get a bit cluttered and hard to read. There are some other options built into the library. You can use takeIf {} with an elvis operator:
val x = result1.takeIf { condition } ?: result2
What is happening there is that the takeIf { } command returns either your result1 or null, and the elvis operator handles the null option. There are some additional options, takeUnless { }, for example:
val x = result1.takeUnless { condition } ?: result2
The language is clear, you know what that's doing.
If it's a commonly used condition, you could also do something fun like use an inline extension method. Let's assume we want to track a game score as an Int, for example, and we want to always return 0 if a given condition is not met:
inline fun Int.zeroIfFalse(func: () -> Boolean) : Int = if (!func.invoke()) 0 else this
Ok, that seems ugly. But consider how it looks when it is used:
var score = 0
val twoPointer = 2
val threePointer = 3
score += twoPointer.zeroIfFalse { scoreCondition }
score += threePointer.zeroIfFalse { scoreCondition }
As you can see, Kotlin offers a lot of flexibility in how you choose to express your code. There are countless variations of my examples and probably ways I haven't even discovered yet. I hope this helps!
when replaces the switch operator of C-like languages. In the simplest form it looks like this
In kotlin if you are using ?: it will work like if the statement will return null then ?: 0 it will take 0 or whatever you have write this side.
if (a) b else c
is what you can use instead of the Java expressiona ? b : c
.In Kotlin, many control statements including
or eventry
can be used as expressions. This means that those can have a result which can be assigned to a variable, returned from a function etc.Syntactically, no need for ternary operator
As a result, Kotlin does not need the ternary operator.
if (a) b else c
is what you can use instead of the Java expressiona ? b : c
.I think the idea is that the latter is less readable since everybody knows what
does, whereas? :
is rather inconvenient if you're not familar with the syntax already. Although I have to admit that I often miss the more convenient ternary operator.Other Alternatives
You might also see a lot
constructs whenever conditions are checked in Kotlin. It's also a way to express if-else cascades in an alternative way. The following corresponds to your example.Extensions
As many good examples (Kotlin Ternary Conditional Operator) in the other answers show, extensions can also be a way to go.
You can do it many way in Kotlin
Using if
Using when
Null Safety
There is no ternary operation in Kotlin, but there are some fun ways to work around that. As others have pointed out, a direct translation into Kotlin would look like this:
But, personally, I think that can get a bit cluttered and hard to read. There are some other options built into the library. You can use takeIf {} with an elvis operator:
What is happening there is that the takeIf { } command returns either your result1 or null, and the elvis operator handles the null option. There are some additional options, takeUnless { }, for example:
The language is clear, you know what that's doing.
If it's a commonly used condition, you could also do something fun like use an inline extension method. Let's assume we want to track a game score as an Int, for example, and we want to always return 0 if a given condition is not met:
Ok, that seems ugly. But consider how it looks when it is used:
As you can see, Kotlin offers a lot of flexibility in how you choose to express your code. There are countless variations of my examples and probably ways I haven't even discovered yet. I hope this helps!