After reading this question I installed Consolas. The trouble is, now the text seems too small. I have to adjust it to size 12 to use it comfortably. Anyone else experience this when switching to Consolas (or any other font)? Do my eyes just have to adjust to this new font or is it a sign that my eyesight is deteriorating?
My resolution is 1280x1024
I use consolas 9 pt @ 1280x800, 15.4 inch monitor (laptop)
I use Inconsolata 11 pt. With iTerm2 it makes a great reading
I am a huge fan of ProFontWindows @ size 7 on a 24" monitor. Its small but very legible and it allows me to fit a lot more code on my coding screen.
My gvim says I use "Misc Fixed Semi-Condensed 10".
Consolas 9pt (I just wish FireFox will 'fix' their font size determination) on 22" and 24" monitors.
I use consolas 11 pt and that's plenty big for me, but I use a resolution of 1440 x 900.
PS. Never any harm to get your eyes checked out, when you work at this game.