Please consider this jsfiddle. It contains something along these lines:
<textarea data-bind="value: comment, valueUpdate: 'afterkyedown'"></textarea>
<span data-bind="text: getCount, valueUpdate: ['afterkeydown','propertychange','input']"></span> characters???
And this JavaScript:
var viewModel = function(){
var self = this;
self.count = ko.observable(0);
self.comment = ko.observable("");
self.getCount = function(){
var countNum = 10 - self.comment().length;
var viewModel12 = new viewModel();
I have a textarea where the maxlength should be 20 characters. When the number of characters reaches 20, it will be stop, and if you try to add more characters, they will be removed.
Note that this also has to work for copy/paste: if a user pastes more than 20 characters, only the first 20 will stay, and the rest of them should be removed.
Using a computed value only partially solves the problem. Disabling the textarea based on that computed value (as was done in Michael Berkompas's fiddle) doesn't really solve the problem. You need to use a custom binding to make this work. Using that fiddle as a starting point, we can use custom bindings to round it out:
Which is something like:
And then doing:
This works for me in 3.0.0
Why not in the view do something like this:
With this in the viewModel?
Have a look at this jsfiddle, which works along these lines:
You need to learn about ko.computed() to do this sort of stuff...