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I am using a couple of packages in R, but I am running the script in a machine that may or may not have some/all of the packages installed already.
The packages are zoo
, quantmod
, data.table
,..., and a bunch more.
This is what I have tried: Is there any way of checking if each of these packages is installed, if not install it? I don't want R to waste time reinstalling any package that is already there.
This is what I have tried:
pckg = c("zoo", "tseries", "quantmod", "MASS", "graphics", "plyr", "data.table", "gridExtra")
is.installed <- function(mypkg){
is.element(mypkg, installed.packages()[,1])
for(i in 1:length(pckg)) {
if (!is.installed(pckg[i])){
Is there a better way of doing that?
Also, I need to automatically set a mirror for the install.I have no idea how to do so.
I have this convenience function that I use instead of
which installs the package if it is missing, thenrequire
s it:In case if you need to select CRAN mirror globally, here is one way to do it: