I am looking for a quite specific tool for generating charts, within Ruby on Rails application. I have done a research and couldn't find a solution that suits me.
Maybe you've bumped upon it and could just point me to it with a link? :)
My requirements for a solution are:
- it has to feature basic chart types like Pie, Bar, Stacked Bar, Line.
- it has to have basic configuration of a chart like legend, axis description.
- it has to be able to generate and save chart into image file without actually rendering it in a browser
- being a Ruby library would be nice, but it is not obligatory
- not being Gruff Graphing Library, I am looking for something more up to date, with less issues.
If you are aware about something, please post a link - it'll take you just a few seconds.
I think, that it is what you're looking for.
It's super nice. =)
The only one that has satisfied all these conditions:
is gerbilcharts
I am using openflashchart http://pullmonkey.com/projects/open_flash_chart2/
you can save generated json data in database and render when needed
You can use rchart for plotting various chart.
I've made a number of useful charts with the Google Chart API. There are a few gems: googlecharts, gchartrb. I haven't used them but they look like a good first cut.
As to not displaying it you can just make the call and save the result. No need to render, just make the call, get the URL, and fetch the file.