Note: This is an ORM limitation reported on the project's issue tracker
I'm facing an issue building a DQL query using the arbitrary join syntax introduced in Doctrine 2.3 on an entity class which is the root of a hierarchy.
Given these classes:
A - no inheritance
B1 - abstract, root of a hierarchy, discriminator column is named 'type'
I setup a query builder like this:
$qb->select(' AS idA, AS idB')
->from('\Entity\A', 'a')
->leftJoin('\Entity\B1', 'b', \Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join::WITH, 'a.something=b.something');
And the SQL Doctrine generates is something like this:
SELECT, FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON (a.something=b.something) WHERE b.type IN ('1', '2', '3')
The problems is that the where makes the left join useless.
Is there a way to force the condition on the discriminator column to be placed in the join? At least that would make it...
Should I fill a bug report?
Have you tried an inner join instead a left join? The query that you need probably could
You can get that changing the function leftJoin by join, or creating the query with the createQuery method for customs queries.
This bug is fixed in Doctrine 2.4
try this